
Making a difference within the community starts by giving care and attention to the underprivileged individuals and families. WLF aims to establish a sustainable mechanism towards income generating programmes for focused groups, for example Orang Asli (indigenous people), persons with disability (OKU),families affected by poverty and other lower income group (B40). This is done by generating resources through fundraising initiatives and community partnerships in improving the lifestyle of the un-facilitated class of the society.

What is our Mission?

  • To generate resources through fundraising initiatives and community partnerships
  • To attract volunteers and partners who are passionate about helping the underprivileged

What is our Vision?

Provide hope and transform the lives of underprivileged communities across Malaysia.

Type of Programmes

  • Social Entrepreneurship Programmes
  • Fundraising Programme
  • Education, Leadership and Mentorship Programmes

If you are a person in need, charity organisation, passionate and committed volunteer or someone who strives for a good cause, please contact us as we aim to make a difference in the lives of our communities
